Thursday, October 21, 2010

Pie In The Sky Co.

There is a strange lime green building on the end of 19th St almost to the corner of Shepard. It has big windows and a sign that dangles from the rooftop that says "breakfast, lunch & dinner". When you walk inside the place is decorated with local artists' art and each table has "Save room for Pie" scribbled on each table. Apparently started in Conroe Pie In The Sky Co. has come to Houston.

When Bub and I went the first time I ordered the coconut cream pie and Bub got the pecan a la mode. The coconut was a dream. Literally. Covered in whipped cream each bite had a smooth creamy taste with a hint of coconut. Toasted coconut garnishes the top of said pie with a big honking glob of home made whipped cream.

The second time Bub and I went we brought a couple of friends who ordered the buttermilk pie and the key lime. This time I ordered the Mississippi mud pie which was just a cluster fork of chocolate pudding, nuts, and everything that the pie form of mud should be. I have never heard of a buttermilk pie before and apparently this one was good but no way comparable to homemade secret family recipe.

We have yet to try the breakfast or the cake balls listed on the menu but there is always room for cake balls.

I give Pie In The Sky Co. a 7 out of 10 forks. Fork Yourself.


  1. Hey I'm thinking about going to this creepy German peach cobbler farm right outside of Fredericksburg.. can you review it?

  2. I went there! Delicious pie..scary staff. I'm pretty sure they grew their own peaches and that is what made the cobbler so good. That or they grind up hitch hikers. Either way I love me some cobbler a la mode with the background music of a german insane asylum.
